Privacy policy

Privacy policy

Newly updated: 09/18/2023 - 8:16 AM

Protection of personal data

Body means the government authority, ministry, administration, or the public institution which is, solely or jointly, responsible for the site, hereafter the Site.

1.1     General information

The personal data communicated by the users are processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

The Body collects no personal data other than the IP address contained in the server logs for security reasons. User consent is not required before visiting the Site.

The controller for these processing operations is the Body.

Users can file claims relating to the protection of their data by contacting the Body’s data protection officer (DPO):

Délégué à la protection des données (DPO)
Musée national d’archéologie, d’histoire et d’art
L-2345 Luxembourg

Furthermore, users can contact the National Commission for Data Protection whose registered office is located at 15, Boulevard du Jazz L-4370 Belvaux.

1.2    The Site’s contact forms

The Body is the recipient of user data collected through the Site’s contact forms. These data need to be processed by the Body to carry out users’ request.

By filling in the form, users agree that their personal data will be processed in connection to their request. The Body will keep a user’s data for as long as necessary to finish processing that user’s request.

The Body will tell users how long their data will be kept or the criteria used to determine that length of time, on an ad hoc basis, upon users’ requests.

Under the terms of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, users have the right to access, rectify and, where applicable, request the erasure of any information relating to them. Users also have the right to withdraw their consent at any time.

Additionally, unless the processing of users’ personal data is compulsory, they can, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of such data.

If users wish to exercise these rights and/or obtain a record of their information, they can contact the Body according to the contact details in the form.

Alternatively, users can send a complaint to the National Commission for Data Protection, at its head office at 15, Boulevard du Jazz, L-4370 Belvaux.

1.3    Data protection in connection with audience measurement

When users visit the Site, the Body collects certain data about the hardware and software used by users, but which cannot be used to identify users. The sole purpose of collecting such data is to gather statistics on website traffic (type of browser, resolution, approximate location, etc.) in order to provide users with the best possible user experience.

These data are retained on the server of the Body.

In this context, users’ IP addresses are never retained in full. In order to obtain general statistics, only part each user’s IP address is retained. This part does not reveal the user’s identity.

The data is retained for no longer than is necessary to observe how audiences evolve with regard to the hardware and software they use, or other available statistics.

The Body is the controller of these operations.



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